İlhan & Yavuztürk is a law firm with a unique way of practice. The firm avails itself of being formed by academics and law practitioners and has a mindset that is different from every law firm in the way that it combines theory and practice when searching for the most effective solutions for its clients.

İlhan & Yavuztürk believes the firm has to be the only stop for its clients. Therefore, today, the firm has a team of experienced lawyers and academicians providing their services when a need for their expertise appears. This allows the firm to successfully deal with various practice areas, from the most basic debt recovery service to representing clients in complex international arbitration cases.

As to İlhan & Yavuztürk, borders are also of no importance. The firm has an affiliated office in Konya. The firm also has strong ties with reputable law firms in Washington (DC), New York City, Miami, and various locations across Europe and South America. In addition, some members of the firm’s legal team have multiple bar admissions.